Switching to Linux.

Launching an Os like an app is nice since everything is on the RAM I don’t have to power off one Os to use the other, like in a dual boot scenario. VM appeals to those of us who rarely switch off or restart our computers. Very convenient since I don’t have to save anything.

Plus being able to use various Linux distributions without having to worry about partitions and storage.
Today I was able to compare three Os side by side to determine which distribution looks the best and performs well. This way I can finally make a decision to delete the Windows curse. I agree the windows 10 Os UI is beautiful but its not my house. There are many limitations.
I don’t have to worry about compatibility, drivers in a virtual os. Your touch pad, Bluetooth drivers will work out of the box.

We are all looking to switch to switch to windows. Either temporarily or permanently.. my motivation to switch to Linux is freedom. Since I already use and open source android I should be using a free pc Os. To learn to break and build things. I was unable to destroy windows except with a virus os 😉 .

We can switch with Bios way- dual boot, VM’s, Linux with other compatibility tools like wine.
We can get away from this proprietary curse.
Possibilities are endless i can put Ubuntu on a second monitor and windows on the other and use them side by side. Learn then jump to Linux very great for newbies.
to improve on performance i can make the guest Os if i ever need it. Virtual machine is a way to embrace extend extinguish windows.

The best experience is Linux on the bare-metal though.

Published by bonniemunene

I am human version 2050 with a rich history dating from 1960 as far as i remember. I love technology, science, out of the box thinking and comedy. Joining me on this blog and lets conquer the stars. Because we are all made of stardust and happen to be stuck on this solar system revolving around the sun.

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